It's not common for dogs to get nosebleeds, but they do happen from time to time. If your dog is particularly rambunctious, you can expect at least one nosebleed in it's life, especially if it runs into things while it's playing. In most cases, nosebleeds can be cleared up in a matter of minutes. Here are some simple steps you should take if your dog gets a nosebleed.
Keep It Calm
If your dog has developed a nosebleed, the first thing you want to do is calm it down. Calming your dog down will allow you to assess the injuries. It will also prevent blood from splattering all over your home. If you can, move your dog to a small area of your home, such as a bathroom. Place a towel on the ground and have your dog sit down beside you. Be sure to speak in a calm voice to reassure your pet that everything is fine.
Apply Ice Packs
To stop the bleeding, you'll want to apply ice to your dog's nose. The ice will also reduce any inflammation that might be going on inside your dog's nose. First, place a cold compress over your dog's nose. The cold compress will allow your pet to get used to the cold before you apply the ice pack. Once you've had the cold compress in place for a minute or so, apply the ice pack. Be sure to place it directly over the compress to reduce the chill your dog will experience.
Allow a Clot to Form
After the bleeding has stopped, you'll want to help form a clot inside the nose. The clot will help prevent a recurrence of the bleeding. Hold a clean cloth over the nostril that's bleeding and keep it there for several minutes. Be careful not to place it over both nostrils, or your dog won't be able to breathe properly.
Know When to Call the Vet
If your dog spends time outside, especially in the woods, you should be aware of a disease known as canine ehrlichiosis. This disease is transmitted by tick bites, and can be fatal for dogs. If your dog has developed a nosebleed that is accompanied by loss of appetite or muscle twitches, you should seek veterinary care as soon as possible.
If your pet has developed a nosebleed, you'll need to take quick action to stop the bleeding. The information provided above will help you provide the care that your pet will need. If you have difficulty getting the bleeding to stop, or your dog becomes weak, be sure to seek immediate veterinary assistance. For more information on emergency veterinary care, check out websites like
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