Learning About Clicker Training

Learning About Clicker Training

Pet Care Expectations From Your Animal Care Hospital

by Doris Washington

Like humans, pets have bad days that may leave them seeming a bit 'off.' For example, a sick pet suddenly changes its actions, behavior, or personality. In such cases, you must take your pet for an animal care hospital exam.

Once at the animal care hospital, you can expect the following pet examinations.

Nose and Oral Exam

The search for answers begins with the nose. First, the vet will examine for nasal discharge or sneezing associated with nasal cavity/sinuses infection, inflammation, tumors, allergies, and parasite irritation. Then, the vet will prescribe the appropriate medications and care routine if they find any anomalies.

However hard to achieve, oral pet exams are crucial. The animal care hospital's vet might need to sedate your pet, but it's not always the case. The vet will then check for bleeding, jaw movements, oral cavity infections, teeth issues, bumps, and ulceration. 

Eye Exam

Your veterinarian will examine your pet's eyelids and tissues around the eyes for irritants, injuries, and growth. The vet may also perform an advanced evaluation on your pet's eye lens, retina, blood vessels, and nerves.

These procedures ensure that the animal care hospital can address pet eye problems early enough before escalation.

Ear Exam

Ear infections are common in pets, making them uncomfortable. The vet will check for inflammation, infections (in the outer, middle, or inner ears), or abnormal growths. Some situations may call for sedation since ear infections are painful and may trigger pet aggressiveness.

Muscles, Chest, Abdomen, Back, Legs, Tail, and Coat Exam

Before the vet winds up the pet exam, they'll palpate your pet's body to check for pain, lumps, and wounds — for example, the leg and arm palpations check for any signs of arthritis.

On the other hand, a coat palpation checks for parasites, flakes, baldness, or excessive shedding. The vet will also check for a rough texture or a pet coat that is too thin or thick.

Internal Organs Exam

The animal care hospital vet will use a stethoscope to check your pet's lung and heart function. First, they'll listen to your pet's heart rate and rhythm to ascertain there aren't any abnormal sounds or murmurs. Next, a lung exam will check for congestion and any odd sounds.


Regular pet care exams are vital because sickness in pets may not be apparent. A thorough look at all the body parts will give an ultimate clue on what's ailing your pet; in case they're behaving bizarrely. Moreover, an animal care hospital office addresses any other concerns you have and advises on diet, vaccinations, and advanced pet testing procedures.


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Learning About Clicker Training

Hello, my name is Maria. I am here to talk to you about clicker training and other programs for your pets. Clicker training is an effective way to teach animals of all kinds to perform specific behaviors. This type of training has been successfully used for dolphins, horses, dogs, cats and even fish. I will talk about the mechanics behind different training methods and ways to use these techniques for your own animals. I hope you can use the information on my site to teach your pets how to behave and perform fun tricks. Thank for visiting my website. Please come back soon.
