Learning About Clicker Training

Learning About Clicker Training

  • Benefits Of Buying A Reptile As A Pet

    When asked to name pets, most people first think of dogs and cats. However, there are a good number of reptiles that are regularly kept as pets, too. Snakes, lizards, and newts can all make great pets. But what are the benefits of buying a reptile as a pet? Take a look. 1. They don't shed. Dog and cat owners are always complaining that their homes are covered in fur. Some even refuse to wear black clothing because it immediately gets covered in pet hair!

  • Is Feline Conjunctivitis Dangerous?

    Parents with small children will probably already be familiar with the perils of pinkeye (or conjunctivitis). It's possible for children to get it from others. Next thing you know, you're nursing your child's inflamed eyes, cleaning away that telltale discharge, and scheduling an appointment with your doctor to get some antibiotics. However, did you know that it's also quite common for your cat to develop conjunctivitis? A Viral Cause Many cats are carriers of feline viral rhinotracheitis, which is often just referred to as feline herpes.

  • What Should Students Do When Seeking Veterinary Internship Opportunities?

    Becoming a veterinarian will allow you to help animals in your daily life. Veterinarians keep household pets, farm animals, and exotic animals healthy through medical care. To become a veterinarian, you'll need to attend several years of school. You may also want to complete a veterinary internship to learn while working in your chosen field. Here are four things that veterinary students seeking veterinary internship opportunities should do: 1. Find an internship suitable for your level of schooling.

  • Pick the Right Dog Daycare for Your Puppy by Knowing What to Look For

    Finding the right dog daycare to bring your puppy to can help you feel a lot of relief when you're at work and need somewhere safe for your dog to be supervised at. Not only can using a daycare facility for your puppy make sure that someone keeps an eye on them while you're gone, but it can also give your puppy valuable socializing skills and provide stimulation so that they won't be full of energy when you're home.

  • Potential Complications Of Excessive Hair In A Cat's Digestive System

    It may have crossed your mind at some point that cats must be able to eat hair, since they lick themselves so frequently. The reality is, though, that a cat's digestive system can only handle so much hair before it becomes a problem. Here are the potential consequences of your cat eating too much hair. Hairball The most obvious of the potential problems is a hairball. This is when enough hair is consumed that it forms a tight ball in the intestines and is them vomited back up.

About Me

Learning About Clicker Training

Hello, my name is Maria. I am here to talk to you about clicker training and other programs for your pets. Clicker training is an effective way to teach animals of all kinds to perform specific behaviors. This type of training has been successfully used for dolphins, horses, dogs, cats and even fish. I will talk about the mechanics behind different training methods and ways to use these techniques for your own animals. I hope you can use the information on my site to teach your pets how to behave and perform fun tricks. Thank for visiting my website. Please come back soon.
